Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today is march 18th

Ecological Intelligence is trying to find out if something is good for the environment that is said in commercials. It is trying to see how helpful it really is. It means to know the backround of the products you buy. In the article it says not everything is as good as it looks. It means to try our best to meet our needs with out hurting the planet.
This connects to our essential question because it makes us think more about how we can live more sustainably by looking at our carbon foot print. People could see how much water, energy, and all the other things that are hurting our planet.
I think that I do have some sort of Ecological Intelligence. I just think I dont know how to use it and didn't care about trying to use it until now anyway. I think that since I didn't know about anything about the things we are learning I didn't care. I now know more so I can use it to help let me live more sustainable.

1 comment:

Victoria A said...

wa to be honest about not knowing about how to use your ecological intellidence and not caring cause you didnt know.