Friday, March 13, 2009

LULS thing

1. One thing that struck me was how almost everyone knows that they leave their home electronics on when they aren't in use. Also more people have allot of electronics they leave on.

2. I was surprised at how many people said they are just too lazy to turn things off and how its probably the easiest thing to help you live more sustainably. I was also surprised that more people left ther electronics on longer.

3. I expected to find more people who cared but know one seemed like they did.

4. I will make a poster raising awarness about how you can save money and the world by just turning off unused electronics.

1 comment:

HanaHadassah said...

When it comes to turning things off people are indifferent :( It's so sad but it is true. Good idea about raising awarness 8D that should get people to care!