Saturday, March 7, 2009

March 7

The thing that strikes me about the movie is how their family was willing to change their whole lifes around to keep the children safe from toxins in food and to start a protest to stop the affects of the industrial revolution and the killing of our planet.

I think the Dervaes family needs vs. wants sheet would have a lot less wants then most people's because they live a different life style then most people. I think they would have the same needs we do, like food, water, and a house. I don't think they would have wants like most people like cell phones, clothing, and junk food because in the video they seemed more like layed back and not needy people. They seemed like they made there own clothes alot of the time because one woman was knitting. They also seem like they wouldn;t eat very much junk food bacause they are vegitarian and they grow there own food for a reason, to stay heathy.

The Dervaes family fits into Ishmael because they are doing the opposite of the "you have to lock up the food" thing. Ishmael said that when the leaders lock up the food they gain power and people obey them. At the beginning of the movie the dad said "I think this is the most dangerous occupation on this earth because you are in danger of becoming free." I think this mean that because they do not follow the leaders they will live their own free lifes.

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