Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm thankful for a lot of wonderful things including my family, friends, and Jesus. My family will always be there for my no matter what I do and I know that because its been tested over the years. I know that they love me for who I am and nothing will ever change that. These are only a few things I am Thankful for and definitely not the most important.

I am very thankful for my friends because through thick and thin they have been there and when i had family problems that sat through it all and cried with me. I have 3 really good friends that I know i can trust with my secrets and I get along with them the most. I know that they care about me because they have stayed by me when no one else was.

One of the other things I'm thankful for is Jesus my Lord and Savior. Every saturday night I go to Canyon Veiw Christian Fellowship Church to spend my time following him in his footsteps. I;m am grateful for this because Jesus is amazing and to be like him is a dream. He died on the cross for everyones sins and forgives every mistake you make. I Love all these people for the amazing things thay do for me.

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