Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dialect Journals 4, 5, and 6


"This is thier element. They move through these horrors with clear eyes and unshaken limbs. And they hate the Argives. They are their bitterest enemies"

1. What Strikes you about the passage? Why is it interesting to you?
2.What point is the author trying to make here?

1. This is interestiong because he is talking about the battle how the others are moving with what seems like no fear. It also says that they are battling their bitterest enemies so it wouldnt make scence that they had no fear.
2. He is trying to say that the men were not afraid that they were playing it cool.


Page 41

"I have always found the spear to be an inelegant weapon"

1.What questions did this raise for you?
2.What is your reaction to this quote? How does it make you feel?

1. I was interested in knowing what the word inelegant meant so I could know what he was talking about.

Inelegant means not elegant; lacking in refinement, gracefulness, or good taste.

2. There was something that wasn't the best about the spear it wasn't elegant enough


Page 58

"You know what happens to a squires who spread tales out of school."

1.What questions does this raise for you?

1.What are Squires and what does it do?

To answer this question i looked it up in the dictionary and found out that a Squire is a young man of noble birth who as an aspirant to knighthood served a knight.

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