"And as for the wheel you speak of," my master finished, "like every other, it turns both ways."
Page 51
What strikes you about the passage? What was interesting?
I noticed that when he was talking about the wheel he was saying that it spins both was and I thought it was interesting how he explained it because it made me think of everything has another side to it.
"What do you think you're doing, buttf*ck?"
Page 75
What strikes you about the passage? What did you find interesting?
I thought it was interesting how much this book says F*CK and it was interesting how mean they talked to each other.
"I'm going," he declared. "nothing is going to stop me."
Page 85
What strikes you about the passage? What was interesting?
I thought it was interesting how devoted he was to do what he wanted and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him.