Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dialect Journals

Dialect Journals: Books 7 and 8
Book 7:

Chapter 31 Page 333

"The opposite of fear," Dienekes said, "is love."

What is your reaction to this quote? How does it make you feel?

My Reaction was that it was deep and seemed like something you would find in a poem. It made me feel confused because you cant love someone and hate them so that should be the opposite because you can be afraid of someone and still love them.

Chapter 20 Page 319

" I had seen Rooster whipped and beaten any number of times upon our chores and details in Lakedaemon. But never till this this moment had i seen his eyes well and fill"

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

The thing that strikes me about this passage was how he was saying how much he had been beaten and how he must have felt about him. This is interesting because he feels bad for him even though he is supposed to be a 'tough guy'.

Book 8:

Chapter 38 Page 384

"Tell the Spartan stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie."

What strikes you about this passage? Why is it interesting to you?

This was interesting because its confusing at first but when you read it again then i got that it means that if a spartan stranger comes by they should know what happened in the epic battle.

Chapter 35 Page 360

"His eyes seemed however, darkened with sorrow"

What is your reaction to this quote? How does it make you feel?

This quote made a picture in my head of eyes turning black because the person was sad and i thought it was cool because instead of just saying he was sad or he was crying or something his eyes showed it.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm thankful for a lot of wonderful things including my family, friends, and Jesus. My family will always be there for my no matter what I do and I know that because its been tested over the years. I know that they love me for who I am and nothing will ever change that. These are only a few things I am Thankful for and definitely not the most important.

I am very thankful for my friends because through thick and thin they have been there and when i had family problems that sat through it all and cried with me. I have 3 really good friends that I know i can trust with my secrets and I get along with them the most. I know that they care about me because they have stayed by me when no one else was.

One of the other things I'm thankful for is Jesus my Lord and Savior. Every saturday night I go to Canyon Veiw Christian Fellowship Church to spend my time following him in his footsteps. I;m am grateful for this because Jesus is amazing and to be like him is a dream. He died on the cross for everyones sins and forgives every mistake you make. I Love all these people for the amazing things thay do for me.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

7, 8, and 9 Journals!!


"And as for the wheel you speak of," my master finished, "like every other, it turns both ways."
 Page 51

What strikes you about the passage? What was interesting?

I noticed that when he was talking about the wheel he was saying that it spins both was and I thought it was interesting how he explained it because it made me think of everything has another side to it.


"What do you think you're doing, buttf*ck?"
Page 75

What strikes you about the passage? What did you find interesting?

I thought it was interesting how much this book says F*CK and it was interesting how mean they talked to each other.


"I'm going," he declared. "nothing is going to stop me."
Page 85

What strikes you about the passage? What was interesting?

I thought it was interesting how devoted he was to do what he wanted and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dialect Journals 4, 5, and 6


"This is thier element. They move through these horrors with clear eyes and unshaken limbs. And they hate the Argives. They are their bitterest enemies"

1. What Strikes you about the passage? Why is it interesting to you?
2.What point is the author trying to make here?

1. This is interestiong because he is talking about the battle how the others are moving with what seems like no fear. It also says that they are battling their bitterest enemies so it wouldnt make scence that they had no fear.
2. He is trying to say that the men were not afraid that they were playing it cool.


Page 41

"I have always found the spear to be an inelegant weapon"

1.What questions did this raise for you?
2.What is your reaction to this quote? How does it make you feel?

1. I was interested in knowing what the word inelegant meant so I could know what he was talking about.

Inelegant means not elegant; lacking in refinement, gracefulness, or good taste.

2. There was something that wasn't the best about the spear it wasn't elegant enough


Page 58

"You know what happens to a squires who spread tales out of school."

1.What questions does this raise for you?

1.What are Squires and what does it do?

To answer this question i looked it up in the dictionary and found out that a Squire is a young man of noble birth who as an aspirant to knighthood served a knight.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

2008 Election

I haven't been following the 2008 elections very much but i have decided that really don't like either candidate. There are things that i like about each side but the things i don't like are too bad to like them. Maybe if I was following them i would actually like on of them but since I don't know enough about them I'm not even going to try and pick who is better.

First is the thing I like about each person. With McCain i know he has more experience then Obama. I also think he is more determined then Obama. The things that i like about Obama is he will be the first black president and that is so cool. I also like him because my grandma told me that he is her chose and she always pick a good person.

The things i don't like about each one of them is McCain and Palin are not for abortion and some girls could get raped or make a mistake and even though its sad to kill a baby it wouldn't have the best like if a teenager were to have it on accident. I also don't like him because he is old and if he dies I would be upset having Palin as our president because she doesn't believe in gay people getting married and i feel bad because I have gay family and friends who wont be able to be with the one they love. I don't like Obama because I don't know very much about him.




Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Hero Blurb

This is my dad Lars and I picked him to be my hero because he has almost always been there for me and I know he always will. He has done so many things for me that it is hard to just pick one heroic moment.


I Picked Reese Witherspoon as the person I really like bacause she is an amazing actress in my all time favorite movie Legally Blonde. The Reason I like her in this movie is bacause she plays Elle Woods who is a very beautiful lady that wants to be a lawer and know one thinks she can do it. She turns it around and proves everyone wrong. I feel like i could be like her because that is one of my dreams to be a Lawer.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


1.My predictions were some what correct and some what not. I was right with it having something to do with bees but i was wrong with what her life would turn out to be.

2. I said that it was going to be about bees and it was how the girls life is like a bee's in many ways. I also thought it was about a girl who loses her mother and has to find family. I was right when I said it was going to be a realistic fiction.

3. I didn't think that she was going to have a horrible dad and want to run away from him. i didn't think that she would have stated as a bad kid and improved with the family she lived with. I had no idea that she would have to sneak Rosaleen out of jail.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I was at CANYON view CHRISTIAN fellowship CHURCH when CHRIS CLAPPED everyone COULDN'T CATCH on to why. All was fine until JOSH was being a JERK to JESSICA again while we were JUMPING on the rope. He SPIT in the floor and SILLY SARAH SLIPPED on it almost landing in the SPLITS. When it was tome for the game. I bounced the YELLOW ball at the YOUNG YOUTH group YESTERDAY. STUPID SARAH SPOKE when SKYLER was SPEAKING.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Literary Similies

1)Shoshannah (That's me) has eyes like the blue sea.

2)Shoshannah's nose is like cindy Loo Hoo's.

3)Shoshannah's hair is the dirty blonde like the sand at the beach.

4)Shoshannah is a sweet as pie.

5)Shoshannah is as Pretty as a rose.

6)Shoshannah is cooler then ice.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


1) An epic is something huge and important. Something larger than life. something amazing and cool.


a)The gods and lesser divinities play an active role in the outcome of actions. This happens in The Illiad when Apollo placed the plegue on the people. Starting at line 56.

b)Frequent use of epithets ("Aeneas the true"; "rosy-fingered Dawn"; "tall-masted ship"). I found this when it says Hard Hearted King on line 352.

c)Use of patronymics (calling son by father's name): "Anchises' son". I found this on line 28 when it said Zeus' son.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I have 4 cats. (2 Boys and 2 girls)

  2. I'm Danish. (Not the food)

  3. My mom is getting remarried.

  4. I'm affraid of public speaking.

  5. I live in a town house.

  6. I'm a cheerleader for So*cal All stars.

  7. My name means Rose or Desert lily.

  8. I love zebra print stuff.

  9. I'm almost addicted to myspace.

  10. I HATE drama.

  11. My favorite animal is a Platypus.

  12. I've snuck out of my house before. (I got caught)

  13. I have alot of "Blonde Moments".

  14. My nick name is Shosho.

  15. I'm double jointed in my elbow.

  16. I love roller coasters.

  17. I play the guitar.

  18. I have 5 emails.

  19. I love italian food.

  20. I listen to all types of music.

  21. I like concerts.

  22. I have 31 letters in my whole name.

  23. I want a big black truck. (When i can drive)

  24. I'm an only child.

  25. My favorite band is We the Kings.

  26. I cant play any sports. (At all)

  27. I don't have a favorite color.

  28. I'm alergic to Sulfer.

  29. I want my belly button pierced.

  30. I have size 14 gages.